
Privacy policy

Given the importance of information security and the protection of personal information in the advanced information and communications society, This Hotel shall endeavor to appropriately manage and protect information in its possession in accordance with the policy stated hereunder.

1.Compliance with laws and regulations regarding personal information.
The Hotel shall abide by laws, industry regulations and other requirments regarding the protection of personal information, and shall ensure the appropriate handling of such information relating to its customers, business partners and other relevant parties.

2.Collection and purposes of personal information
When collecting personal information relating to its customers, business partners and other related parties, the Hotel shall clarify the purposes of its usage to the extent necessary for business, and shall obtain such data in a legal and fair manner. The hotel shall use personal information obtained from its customers, business partners and other relevant parties exclusively to provide services/products and execute related business, supply information(e.g.,direct mail and e-mail), conduct questionnaire surveys, and implement statistical tabulation/ analyticsfor marketing, service improvement and so on.

3.Personal information security management
The Hotel shall ensure that personal information collected from its custmers, business partners and other rekevant parties is accurate, up to date and secure, and shall implement necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent any loss, falsification, leakage and other issues relating to such information.

4.Disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
The Hotel shall not disclose personal information obtained from its customers, business partners and other related parties to any third party without their prior consent. However, this shall not apply if the Hotel is required to disclose such information by law or by public institutions such as courts and lawenforcement agencies.

5.Personal information disclosure, correction, usage susupension, and deletion
The Hotel shall promptly take any necessary actions and/ or measures in response to requests from its customers, business partners and other related regarding the disclosure, collection, usage suspension ore deletion of personal information.

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